Effects of Emotion on Communication
Low Levels of Emotion
High Levels of Emotion
Download PDFInspired by Dr. Vincent Covello, 2011.
Other factors
Other factors can include whether the reciever has heard a similar message before, predispositions to the sender, environmental factors, interference, level of importance of the message being sent, the communication method being used and more.
Other factors
In the case of high levels of emotion, the external factors in the communication processes retain the same importance as in situations with low levels of emotion.
Competence & expertise
Competence and expertise refers to how credible the sender is, the legitimacy of information and how believable the message is in the context being sent to the receiver.
Competence & expertise
In situations of high emotion, the importance of competence & expertise diminished dramatically. The receiver is no longer concerned as much with credentials as their personal emotional state and how any communication in progress affects their level of security or happiness.
Listening, caring & empathy
In high emotional states, listening to feedback, demonstrating you care and empathizing with the receiver monopolizes 50% of the factors important in a successful communication process. The receiver can assess this from the sender in the first 9-30 seconds.
Honesty & openness
With emotions running high, the perceived level of honesty and willingness to share with the receiver becomes just as important as competence and expertise.