Let us introduce two other distinctions to further our understating of navigating this sea of ownership.
Let’s begin with the notion of manager someone who is actively working in the business and that may or may not have ownership versus owners who by definition own shares in the business but may or may not actively participate in the operations of the business which we describe as working on the business versus in the business.
The next distinction micro and macro refers to day-to-day operating concerns opposed to long-term strategic concerns as it relates to the internal or external demands.
For the entrepreneur the distinction between owner and manager is often irrelevant he or she is simultaneously and constantly in both roles.
His or her main concerns in the early stage is mainly in the business and running the operations.
Making sure the business is innovative and all major breakdowns are dealt with efficiently and swiftly. It’s a fast moving pace.
in the
on the
- Innovation
- Monitoring
- Trends
- Environment
- Corporate Social
Responsability (CSR) - Approve Acquisitions
& Mergers
- Risk
- Strategic
- Performance of CEO
- Return on investment
- Monitor Business
Performance - Financial Resources
- Operations
- Results
- Performance &
Efficiency - Human Resources
Multi Generational Professional
Multiple Owners Managerial
Single Owner Entrepreneurial
Source: © Business Families Foundation 2014