
Compass for Entrepreneurial Families

Inclusive Decision-Making Structures Are Important to Align Future Direction

With the help of their trusted advisor the family members have set up a weekly meeting to discuss some of their issues in running the business. The fathers were asked to attend and the 3 initial older cousins were also present. After their first meeting two cousins meet up to share their thoughts on how the meeting unfolded:

They both liked the idea of a code of conduct and a clear agenda beforehand. They were impressed that they all stayed on topic throughout the meeting. After some discussion they came to a consensus that there is a pressing need to start formalizing their unwritten policies and procedures. One of the first policies they agreed to work on is work ethics for family members, which will include work attendance, hours and vacations time. They promised to have a first draft ready for the next meeting, should they consult the other family members beforehand, or simply impose whatever they decide next week?

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