Harold: This is such a treat for me to sneak out of the office and have lunch with my granddaughter. It’s another of the good things about you working for the family business!
Kim: I’m loving being in a place that has our family name over the door. It feels really special. Though, of course, I can see that there are some things that need changing, maybe.
Harold: Of course. That’s only natural.
Kim: Granddad, can I ask you something privately without it being an official idea at this stage?
Harold: Go right ahead.
Kim: You’re sure? Uncle Victor told me not to rock the boat or suggest too many ideas that make people feel nervous.
Harold: Our company needs ideas! The world is changing and we have to change too. Otherwise we’ll be in bankruptcy and that will make people feel really nervous. Go ahead, I’m a good listener.
Kim: It’s about our policy of where we locate our manufacturing. Twenty years ago, you mostly offshored to cheaper countries. But nowadays consumers are getting concerned about where things are made and they’re rewarding local production. At the same time, the financial reason for offshoring is evaporating. In other countries labour costs are rising, while in this country costs are falling thanks to hi-tech robots. So I suggest we consider switching back to local production for some of our lines. It’s an opportunity for a win for consumers, a win for our country and a win for our profits.
Harold: I can see why your Uncle Victor might call that ‘rocking the boat’. Did you know that I was the one who championed offshoring? It’s been hugely important to this company and I’ve been its biggest defender. But, just because it was right 20 years ago doesn’t mean that it’s still 100% right today. Consumers are changing their preferences and we always have to keep up with the consumer. Maybe you’re making a good point.
Kim: So…
Harold: So, feel free to put the issue on the agenda. See if you can persuade us all that it makes sense.
Kim: Great!
Harold: And Kim, I’m pleased that you’re bringing this up. It’s exactly the kind of challenge that I expect from the Next Generation.