Testimonials from Family Enterprise Advisors

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In our community of over 500 designated Family Enterprise Advisors (FEA), we have many who have provided testimonials on the value of what they learned in the FEA Program, the impact the designation has had on their career and the importance of having a large network of Family Enterprise Advisors to share, collaborate and work with on a regular basis.

Let’s hear from a few...

If you make an investment in the program, you get a quick return.

John Hamilton, FEA
RBC Wealth Management Financial Services Inc.

Apply now

My words of advice for anybody that’s thinking about the FEA program is… sign-up today!

Krista Han, CPA, CA, FEA
Managing Partner – New Brunswick,
Grant Thornton LLP

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coachBrittany Adamson, BBA, CFP, CLU, FEA

Brittany Adamson, BBA, CFP, CLU, FEA

Wealth Advisor, Assante Financial Management Ltd.

I’m now proud to stand beside the other professionals from my cohort as a Family Enterprise Advisor. We help to protect our client families and their legacies through education and advice and the facilitation of dialogue around family, money and business.”

This program really does set the benchmark in the family enterprise advising field.”

We asked Julia “Why the Family Enterprise Advisor Designation?

Hear her response HERE

Our team came together beautifully and we delivered a seamless and integrated service to the client in a way that clearly produced positive energy and the fuel for generating family cohesion and togetherness. And we had fun doing it, too.

My biggest takeaway is that this area of service is in such high need… only many of our clients don’t realize that this service exists and how badly they need it.”

I often get asked, what is a Family Enterprise Advisor? What do Family Enterprise Advisors do differently than other advisors?

By being Strategic, Systematic and Self-Defined, FEAs think differently and, as a consequence, both the planning actions and results are impacted.”

Thank you to all of the fabulous instructors in the FEA program and to all of the amazing program participants that I had the opportunity to get to know and to learn from over the last year. I look forward to putting what I have learned to use in our own family business and to support other family enterprises on their business continuity journeys.

This program helped me understand that advising families is not solely about solutions, but primarily about the process and dialogue that leads you there. You actually have to listen more than you speak and simply guide the family to reach their own truths and conclusions; planning WITH the family and not FOR the family.

Working with a highly qualified multi-professional team also made me realize that you don’t have to know everything and do everything for clients. You have to understand the limits of your own professional expertise and learn to trust and delegate; this is also how you become a better advisor.

It’s an honor to join a community of professionals dedicated to serving family enterprises with the highest level of expertise and integrity so that they may thrive for generations to come.”

We asked Steve ” What advice would you give someone considering taking the FEA Program?

His response is HERE.

Working with other advisors in a Team approach has been gratifying. I have already begun inviting other key advisors into planning meetings. This is what our clients want and deserve.

Working with a team of highly qualified multi-professional advisors was a great learning experience. Not only did I learn from my fellow cohorts, but I can say with confidence that I have found a network of like-minded professionals that I trust and would love to further collaborate with in the future.

We asked David “What is the Value of the FEA Designation?

His response can be seen HERE.

I have been fortunate to work with many successful entrepreneurs and family businesses over my years in practice. Through the program offered by Family Enterprise Canada … I was offered the incredible opportunity to share my experience, exchange ideas with other forward-thinking professionals and broaden my intelligence in family enterprise.

The process has been demanding and infinitely worthwhile. Families, with their dynamic relationships, can be complex. Decisions impact every facet of the family, business, and ownership system. It takes a sophisticated level of emotional intelligence and a team of technically skilled professionals to navigate considerations that can impact the success of transition of multigenerational wealth.

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coachBrittany Adamson, BBA, CFP, CLU, FEA

Brittany Adamson, BBA, CFP, CLU, FEA

Wealth Advisor, Assante Financial Management Ltd.
coachAdrian Altamirano, CFP, CIM, FEA, CEA, FCSI

Adrian Altamirano, CFP, CIM, FEA, CEA, FCSI

Vice President, Strategic Relationships, PPI

I’m now proud to stand beside the other professionals from my cohort as a Family Enterprise Advisor. We help to protect our client families and their legacies through education and advice and the facilitation of dialogue around family, money and business.”

This program really does set the benchmark in the family enterprise advising field.”

coachJulia Chung, CFP, CLU, FEA, TEP

Julia Chung, CFP, CLU, FEA, TEP

CEO, Spring Planning
coachDaniel Diamond, CPA, CA, LPA, FEA

Daniel Diamond, CPA, CA, LPA, FEA

Partner, Assurance & Business Advisory Grant Thornton LLP

We asked Julia “Why the Family Enterprise Advisor Designation?

Hear her response HERE

Our team came together beautifully and we delivered a seamless and integrated service to the client in a way that clearly produced positive energy and the fuel for generating family cohesion and togetherness. And we had fun doing it, too.

My biggest takeaway is that this area of service is in such high need… only many of our clients don’t realize that this service exists and how badly they need it.”

coachChristopher Singh Gandhu, JD, TEP, FEA

Christopher Singh Gandhu, JD, TEP, FEA

Partner, Family Office Leader, KPMG Canada
coachKelly Gillis, FEA

Kelly Gillis, FEA

Vice President & Managing Partner, Ahria Consulting

I often get asked, what is a Family Enterprise Advisor? What do Family Enterprise Advisors do differently than other advisors?

By being Strategic, Systematic and Self-Defined, FEAs think differently and, as a consequence, both the planning actions and results are impacted.”

Thank you to all of the fabulous instructors in the FEA program and to all of the amazing program participants that I had the opportunity to get to know and to learn from over the last year. I look forward to putting what I have learned to use in our own family business and to support other family enterprises on their business continuity journeys.

coachCatherine Groleau, LL.B, CIM, FEA

Catherine Groleau, LL.B, CIM, FEA

Portfolio Manager RBC Dominion Securities
coachGlen Jackson, CPA, CGA, CFF, FEA

Glen Jackson, CPA, CGA, CFF, FEA

BC Leader, Agriculture Succession Services, MNP

This program helped me understand that advising families is not solely about solutions, but primarily about the process and dialogue that leads you there. You actually have to listen more than you speak and simply guide the family to reach their own truths and conclusions; planning WITH the family and not FOR the family.

Working with a highly qualified multi-professional team also made me realize that you don’t have to know everything and do everything for clients. You have to understand the limits of your own professional expertise and learn to trust and delegate; this is also how you become a better advisor.

It’s an honor to join a community of professionals dedicated to serving family enterprises with the highest level of expertise and integrity so that they may thrive for generations to come.”

coachSteve Legler, FEA

Steve Legler, FEA

Family Legacy Coach & Advisor, TSI Heritage
coachLindsay MacPhie, FEA

Lindsay MacPhie, FEA

The Wooding Group, CIBC Private Wealth

We asked Steve ” What advice would you give someone considering taking the FEA Program?

His response is HERE.

Working with other advisors in a Team approach has been gratifying. I have already begun inviting other key advisors into planning meetings. This is what our clients want and deserve.

coachMandy Sa, CIWM, FEA

Mandy Sa, CIWM, FEA

Wealth Advisor, TD Wealth Private Wealth
coachDavid Smith, MBA, FEA, ICD.D

David Smith, MBA, FEA, ICD.D

Founder & Senior Advisor, Smith Advisory Services Inc.

Working with a team of highly qualified multi-professional advisors was a great learning experience. Not only did I learn from my fellow cohorts, but I can say with confidence that I have found a network of like-minded professionals that I trust and would love to further collaborate with in the future.

We asked David “What is the Value of the FEA Designation?

His response can be seen HERE.

coachMisty Tait, CFP, CLU, FCSI, TEP, FEA

Misty Tait, CFP, CLU, FCSI, TEP, FEA

Senior Total Wealth Planner, Scotia Wealth Management

I have been fortunate to work with many successful entrepreneurs and family businesses over my years in practice. Through the program offered by Family Enterprise Canada … I was offered the incredible opportunity to share my experience, exchange ideas with other forward-thinking professionals and broaden my intelligence in family enterprise.

The process has been demanding and infinitely worthwhile. Families, with their dynamic relationships, can be complex. Decisions impact every facet of the family, business, and ownership system. It takes a sophisticated level of emotional intelligence and a team of technically skilled professionals to navigate considerations that can impact the success of transition of multigenerational wealth.

coachBrittany Adamson, BBA, CFP, CLU, FEA

Brittany Adamson, BBA, CFP, CLU, FEA

Wealth Advisor, Assante Financial Management Ltd.
coachAdrian Altamirano, CFP, CIM, FEA, CEA, FCSI

Adrian Altamirano, CFP, CIM, FEA, CEA, FCSI

Vice President, Strategic Relationships, PPI
coachJulia Chung, CFP, CLU, FEA, TEP

Julia Chung, CFP, CLU, FEA, TEP

CEO, Spring Planning

I’m now proud to stand beside the other professionals from my cohort as a Family Enterprise Advisor. We help to protect our client families and their legacies through education and advice and the facilitation of dialogue around family, money and business.”

This program really does set the benchmark in the family enterprise advising field.”

We asked Julia “Why the Family Enterprise Advisor Designation?

Hear her response HERE

coachDaniel Diamond, CPA, CA, LPA, FEA

Daniel Diamond, CPA, CA, LPA, FEA

Partner, Assurance & Business Advisory Grant Thornton LLP
coachChristopher Singh Gandhu, JD, TEP, FEA

Christopher Singh Gandhu, JD, TEP, FEA

Partner, Family Office Leader, KPMG Canada
coachKelly Gillis, FEA

Kelly Gillis, FEA

Vice President & Managing Partner, Ahria Consulting

Our team came together beautifully and we delivered a seamless and integrated service to the client in a way that clearly produced positive energy and the fuel for generating family cohesion and togetherness. And we had fun doing it, too.

My biggest takeaway is that this area of service is in such high need… only many of our clients don’t realize that this service exists and how badly they need it.”

I often get asked, what is a Family Enterprise Advisor? What do Family Enterprise Advisors do differently than other advisors?

By being Strategic, Systematic and Self-Defined, FEAs think differently and, as a consequence, both the planning actions and results are impacted.”

Thank you to all of the fabulous instructors in the FEA program and to all of the amazing program participants that I had the opportunity to get to know and to learn from over the last year. I look forward to putting what I have learned to use in our own family business and to support other family enterprises on their business continuity journeys.

coachCatherine Groleau, LL.B, CIM, FEA

Catherine Groleau, LL.B, CIM, FEA

Portfolio Manager RBC Dominion Securities
coachGlen Jackson, CPA, CGA, CFF, FEA

Glen Jackson, CPA, CGA, CFF, FEA

BC Leader, Agriculture Succession Services, MNP
coachSteve Legler, FEA

Steve Legler, FEA

Family Legacy Coach & Advisor, TSI Heritage

This program helped me understand that advising families is not solely about solutions, but primarily about the process and dialogue that leads you there. You actually have to listen more than you speak and simply guide the family to reach their own truths and conclusions; planning WITH the family and not FOR the family.

Working with a highly qualified multi-professional team also made me realize that you don’t have to know everything and do everything for clients. You have to understand the limits of your own professional expertise and learn to trust and delegate; this is also how you become a better advisor.

It’s an honor to join a community of professionals dedicated to serving family enterprises with the highest level of expertise and integrity so that they may thrive for generations to come.”

We asked Steve ” What advice would you give someone considering taking the FEA Program?

His response is HERE.

coachLindsay MacPhie, FEA

Lindsay MacPhie, FEA

The Wooding Group, CIBC Private Wealth
coachMandy Sa, CIWM, FEA

Mandy Sa, CIWM, FEA

Wealth Advisor, TD Wealth Private Wealth
coachDavid Smith, MBA, FEA, ICD.D

David Smith, MBA, FEA, ICD.D

Founder & Senior Advisor, Smith Advisory Services Inc.

Working with other advisors in a Team approach has been gratifying. I have already begun inviting other key advisors into planning meetings. This is what our clients want and deserve.

Working with a team of highly qualified multi-professional advisors was a great learning experience. Not only did I learn from my fellow cohorts, but I can say with confidence that I have found a network of like-minded professionals that I trust and would love to further collaborate with in the future.

We asked David “What is the Value of the FEA Designation?

His response can be seen HERE.

coachMisty Tait, CFP, CLU, FCSI, TEP, FEA

Misty Tait, CFP, CLU, FCSI, TEP, FEA

Senior Total Wealth Planner, Scotia Wealth Management

I have been fortunate to work with many successful entrepreneurs and family businesses over my years in practice. Through the program offered by Family Enterprise Canada … I was offered the incredible opportunity to share my experience, exchange ideas with other forward-thinking professionals and broaden my intelligence in family enterprise.

The process has been demanding and infinitely worthwhile. Families, with their dynamic relationships, can be complex. Decisions impact every facet of the family, business, and ownership system. It takes a sophisticated level of emotional intelligence and a team of technically skilled professionals to navigate considerations that can impact the success of transition of multigenerational wealth.

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