Privacy Policy

Family Enterprise Canada Privacy Policy

Family Enterprise Canada is currently doing business as Family Enterprise Canada (collectively “we,” “us,” “our,” “FEC” and “Family Enterprise Canada”).

At Family Enterprise Canada and the FEA Program (collectively referred to as “Family Enterprise Canada” and sometimes “FEC”), protecting your personal information is a priority. We are committed to providing our users and members with an exceptional experience. Providing this experience includes the collection and use of some personal information about our members and our users.

Personal Information Collected

When you visit us at one of our events or offices, talk to us online, call us on the phone, email us or visit our website, we will often collect personal information from you. This is done to improve and maintain your experience with Family Enterprise Canada. We know your privacy is of the utmost importance and Family Enterprise Canada does not and will not disclose trade, rent, sell or otherwise transfer or distribute any personal information for any purpose other than those set out herein.

We will obtain the consent of our users and members where required and only handle their personal information in a manner that a reasonable person would consider appropriate in the circumstances. Our privacy commitment includes ensuring the accuracy, confidentiality and security of our users’ and members’ personal information and allowing our users and members to request access to, and correction of, their personal information. Individuals are given the opportunity to opt-out of receiving email communications from Family Enterprise Canada by using the unsubscribe mechanisms at the bottom of the emails and newsletters. All email communications are reviewed regularly in order to ensure compliance with Canada’s anti-spam legislation (CASL).


We will obtain user and member consent to collect, use or disclose personal information (except where, as noted below, we are authorized to do so without consent).

Consent can be provided orally, in writing, electronically, through an authorized representative, or it can be implied where the purpose for collecting, using or disclosing the personal information would be considered obvious and the user or member voluntarily provides personal information for that purpose.

We may collect, use or disclose personal information without the user’s or member’s knowledge or consent in the following limited circumstances:

  • when the collection, use or disclosure of personal information is permitted or required by law;
  • in an emergency that threatens an individual’s life, health, or personal security;
  • when the personal information is available from a public source (e.g., a website or telephone directory);
  • when we require legal advice from a lawyer;
  • for the purposes of collecting a debt;
  • to protect ourselves from fraud; or
  • to investigate an anticipated breach of an agreement or a contravention of law.

At Family Enterprise Canada Offices and Events

When you visit a Family Enterprise Canada office or attend one of our events, we will often ask for information such as your full name, phone number, email address and/or mailing address. This information allows us to accurately maintain our records, billing information and contact information as well as ensure that you are getting the best experience at Family Enterprise Canada. We do not sell or otherwise distribute any of this information unless required by law.

Personal information, such as your full name, address, email and phone number, may be requested on our website, along with your business information, for the purposes of creating and/or maintaining your member profile, contacting you about membership opportunities and other email communications.

Personal information, such as your name, address and profession may be requested through the events section of our website in order to ensure that events listed for or near you are accurate.

Family Enterprise Canada will not sell or otherwise distribute any of this information unless required by law.

Third Party Providers

Family Enterprise Canada often uses service providers to assist us with member-related and user-related functions. We only share the information necessary for these service providers to perform their role and require them to adhere to the highest possible levels of confidentiality with respect to the use of this information. Our communications with members, such as event invites, billing invoices and community announcements may come in many forms, and it may be necessary to disclose information about you to third parties in order for you to receive them. You may request that we not provide information about you to our third party providers at any time, but many member benefits and communications may become unavailable to you in this case.

FBN Connect and Family Enterprise Foundation’s Learning Portal

Our users and members may also interact with Family Enterprise Foundation ( and Family Business Network International ( through use of our website or otherwise as part of their membership with Family Enterprise Canada. These associations support our users and specifically support our Family Membership – Progressive Experience. Personal data, including first name, last name, email addresses, telephone numbers and other information about a user’s or member’s role in the business or organization they work for or represent collected by Family Enterprise Canada may be shared with these organizations. This information is used by Family Enterprise Foundation to grant access to its member-only Learning Portal, and by Family Business Network International to grant access to their member-only portal, FBN CONNECT. It is also used by Family Business Network International to create a profile that can be viewed by other members via the member-only directory within FBN CONNECT, and to promote mutually beneficial connections among family businesses, all of which abide by Family Business Network International’s Code of Conduct regarding respect, non-solicitation and confidentiality.

All data within Family Business Network is collected and processed within the guidelines of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Details specific to the Family Business Network Privacy Policy are available on their website at Details specific to the Family Enterprise Foundation Privacy Policy are available at

Securing Personal Information

We are committed to ensuring the security of user and member personal information in order to protect it from unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification or disposal or similar risks. We will use appropriate security measures when destroying personal information of users and members. We will continually review and update our security policies and controls as technology changes to ensure ongoing personal information security.

Providing Users and Members Access to Personal Information

Our users and members have a right to access their personal information, subject to limited exceptions, such as solicitor-client privilege, for health and safety concerns, or where disclosure would reveal personal information about another individual. A request to access personal information must be made in writing and provide sufficient detail to identify the personal information being sought. We will make the requested information available within 30 business days, or provide written notice of an extension where additional time is required to fulfill the request. A minimal fee may be charged for providing access to personal information. Where a fee may apply, we will inform the user or member of the cost and request further direction from the user or member on whether or not we should proceed with the request. If a request is refused in full or in part, we will notify the user or member in writing, providing the reasons for refusal and the recourse available to the user or member.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Our privacy commitment includes maintaining and updating this Privacy Policy, which ensures the accuracy, confidentiality and security of our users’ and members’ personal information. All changes will be posted on

Questions and Complaints

If you have a question, concern or complaint about how we use user or member information, you can direct them to us at

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