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The FEA Council

A strong community through strong leadership.

As important members of Family Enterprise Canada, we want to hear from you! The mandate of the FEA Council is to represent our Family Enterprise Advisor (FEA)  designates within the Family Enterprise Canada community. Council members will provide guidance and support, specifically with respect to the FEA member experience. The overall objective is to have a strong, growing and dynamic FEA member community across Canada.

The Council is a standing committee of the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Family Enterprise Canada.

The key responsibilities of FEA Council members include:

  • Act as the liaison between our FEA designates and the Family Enterprise Canada Board providing feedback and input on the overall member experience – being the “voice of FEA members”.
  • Serve as ambassadors for the Family Enterprise Canada community, encouraging engagement and participation of all members, and support for attracting new members with the goal of building a strong dynamic community.
  • Be an advocate, both within the community and externally, promoting the FEA vision, the designation and related FEA certification program.

See the full Mandate.

FEA Council Members

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