Passing the Baton: Interactive Decision Tree Tool for Continuity Planning
- Wait! We need a little informationBefore you start, we just need a little bit of information. This will help us better serve you in the future. If you're currently a member, just click the 'Log In' button below to get started.
- Are you part of a family enterprise?ArticleWhat is a 'Family Enterprise'?
- Do you have family members willing and able to take the 'baton'?ArticleFacing the Elephant in the Room
- No FEA Process
- Do you have the characteristics of a Healthy Family Enterprise?
- Think it through, go back and ask 'Are you a family enterprise?'
- You're steps ahead of many! Continue as a Family Enterprise
- Are you willing and capable to build these characteristics?ArticleBottom Line
- Engage an FEA
- You may want to rethink being a Family Enterprise
- Do you need to liquidate the Family Enterprise during your lifetime?
- No FEA Process
- Are you setting up a family Office?ArticleWhat is a Family Office?
- Engage an FEA
- Are you setting up a family Office?ArticleWhat is a Family Office?
- Are you including family members in the structure?
- Have you defined what the liquidity will be used for?ArticleDo you Need a Business Plan?
- Have you shared the vision with your family?ArticleVision, Mission and Values
- Engage an FEA coach to be accountable to setting your goals
- Do you know what the family members want?
- Do you have the right professional managers in place?ArticleThree Keys to Success
- Is there a continuing role for the family in this vision?ArticleFive Elements of Continuity
- Engage an FEA to facilitate the family enterprise discussion 'It's a hard it's a hard'ArticleForms of Decisions
- Do you have a Family Governance in place?ArticleGoals of Family Governance
- Engage an FEA facilitatorArticleWorking as a system
- Congratulations!
Continue as a Family Enterprise - Are you ready to hire, reward and retain the best people?ArticleRisk of Nepotism
- Congratulations!
Continue as a Family EnterpriseArticleEffective Governance Systems - Engage an FEAArticleAdvantages of Engaging an FEA
- Congratulations!
Continue as a Family Enterprise - Seek FEA guidance to build a resiliant Family Office
- Congratulations!
Continue as a Family EnterpriseArticleEffective Estate Planning Tools - Are assets intended to be retained in a single pot and managed on behalf of future generations?ArticleFamily Fighting
- Congratulations!
Continue as a Family EnterpriseArticleRole of Philanthropy - Is the rising generation prepared for inheritance?
- Congratulations!
Continue as a Family EnterpriseArticleTypes of Ownership - Engage an FEA facilitator to start the conversation
At this point, we suggest you take a short pause to reflect on the decisions taken so far, and consider:
- What areas need improvement in the characteristics of your family enterprise?
- Discuss a plan of action with a timeline
- Prioritize this plan of action list
At this point, we suggest you take a short pause to reflect on the decision takens so far, and consider:
- What job description would you develop for a skilled quarterback?
- Define the necessary roles and responsibilities in your family ecosystem
- Consider the different hats that you wear
At this point, we suggest you take a short pause to reflect on the decision takens so far, and consider:
- Reflect on the roles and responsibilities
- Be clear on each family member’s desires
- What will you focus on in the four cornerstones of family meetings?
- Set smart goals and have accountability
At this point, we suggest you take a short pause to reflect on the decisions taken so far, and consider:
- Is there alignment across your family?
- Is there forward motion and buy-in?
- Reflect on your journey and celebrate you and your family!
Congratulations, you have completed the Decision Tree!There were many decisions made and a lot of information to reflect on.
Take note of your family journey. At this stage, your family should feel that they are the same team, moving in the same direction as a cohesive unit.
Feel free to re-take the Decision Tree anytime you wish to dive deeper into the information, articles and key decisions presented.
*For the best experience, please complete this activity on a laptop or desktop computer.
To be a healthy family enterprise the following characteristics are needed.
- Communication is open and clear
- Family has the ability to resolve conflict
- There is high trust between family members
- Goals and values of the family are clear and documented
- The boundaries between family and business are clear
- Succession is planned early
- There is a functioning independent board of directors